Monday, May 16, 2011

Draconian Night

A dark and weary night, a Draconian night... A night of rain and storms, a night of Raven and Lenore.

It is on a night like those that I write you, a night of prophecies... A night to make or acknowledge them, I do not know... I'll let the feather decide...

The wind is blowing strong, though its air is hot, it brings flashes of days already gone, it brings visions of what's to come. I stand there, weary, thinking about what to do. Looking at both past and future. I do not discern them, both seem like reruns... Both stand on hope and illusions, or just simply lies...

The frail illusions on which we build our dreams, are just that, illusions... Trying to disguise the emptiness that possesses us. Filling ourselves with a sense of Honour, Integrity, among other beautiful principles. We get ready to fight for them... And the bigger our illusions, the greater will be the intensity we will fight for them, the greater shall be our battles... The really deluded might even try to save the world, to heal everybody's wounds...

As the rain starts to pour in the room, I sense an urge to close it, yet I remain seated... I do not know if I'm waiting for someone to enter through it, or if this rampage of images will just stop, the reality is that I do not close it.

Oh Draconian night, why do you arise such emotions on this old man, why can't you leave the dead alone... Why do you remind me of the size of my illusions... How many lives have I given to them... And I know, oh Draconian night, when my strength is back I shall give much more. Don't remind me, oh Draconian night of the price to pay, for I shall pay it in advance if needed to. One man said "I regret having but only one life to give for my country", My regret is not having more lives to give to my kin... If I still have one hundred lives to live, all of them shall be for you.

Oh Draconian night, how you yell right now, should I not save one for me? Can I not be free? Let this dreamer be, oh Draconian night, until someone comes to share this dream with me. Until my Lenore, it shall be for evermore.

Tormentedly Yours

Mente Atormentada


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